Bungalow Couple Redux
They weren’t talking at all, back then.
Deep in that house, conceiving their dwarfs,
they weren't talking at all, back then.
And they’re not talking at all, right now.
Still in that house, rearing their dwarfs,
they're not talking at all, right now.
And they won’t be talking again.
When the dwarfs break out they’ll stay in that house,
not moving, not talking again.
A Day in the Life of Paddy Murphy, Broker
Riding home on the train he’s aware
that after supper, cigarettes, TV and beer,
a romp on the wife will cloak
the question for another day.
He’ll fear nothing, then, till noon
the next day when it starts all over again.
If his luck holds, he’ll survive
the ride home on the train, aware
that after supper, cigarettes, TV and beer,
a romp on the wife will cloak
the question for another day.
Bio: Donal Mahoney, a native of Chicago, lives in St. Louis, MO. He has worked as an editor for The Chicago Sun-Times, Loyola University Press and Washington University in St. Louis. A Pushcart nominee, he has had poems published in The Wisconsin Review, The Kansas Quarterly, The South Carolina Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Commonweal, Revival (Ireland), The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey), Public Republic (Bulgaria), The Panulaan Review, Calliope Nerve and other publications.